Shikara's Journal


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4 entries this month


23:17 Jun 08 2005
Times Read: 519

That explains my mood perfectly. I dont fuckin get some people. Shit! Fuckin Ben. I fuckin ran into fuckin ben. That little mother fucker!!!!!! He's fuckin talkin about fuckin movin my ass to fuckin texas. Fuck all that !!! what the fuck? This little puke hasnt even spoken to me for over a year!!! all the fuckin sudden, theres ben, do what He wants!! Fuckin HELL no!!!! That little bitch!! how fuckin dare he fuckin start that stupid shit up with me again? He was fuckin there. He saw what the fuck was going on!!! and he just sits there and bring that shit up! The nerve! the audacity!!! The sheer and utter testicular fortitude!!! Men like him give me a fucking headache. A fuckin stupid ass horn dog, fucking bent on how much of a horn dog hes NOT!!!! Eh. I just dont fuckin get it. How can I possibly show enough emotion in a simple page. SIGH. there may be one person who gets it. Maybe. I got a kitten last night. Hes about 4 weeks old, his eyes are open, hes black with wispy little silver hairs beginning at his "knees"? and pretty black eyes for now... His name is Maynard. And he kicks so much ass. Hes the Au naturel goth kitten. he looks like a comic book charachter, but hey, some people say that about me too, come to think of it, Im usually fuckin flattered. I am going to raise him and cuddle him, because everyone else is scared of me. Actually, I dont know if i will be able to say that for much longer, I seem to have caught an interesting eye.... This smells like fun... perhaps there will be blood shared

between us.... *maniacal laughter* and thats about all for now. *virtually pixiefucks you with cyber glitter*




that was fast.

10:31 Jun 04 2005
Times Read: 522

Thats all I can say for myself. I mean damn!! I was alone for like five seconds before I was just utterly fucked up. This has been one hell of a day. I went to that capitolist slave market.

THE WAL*MART. ::fear:: why was I there you ask? because I invite trouble sometimes. Just to see if I can take it. I scared them mutherfuckers, i tell you what. They shrank from my immense FUCKING EGO!!! ...oh, yeah, and the being all freaky beyond their capacities as soccermoms (oh dont look honey, its some kid that looks different from my mental image of what youll be like when youre that age...) And I had an absolutely fan fucking tastic time of hoarding shiny things into me pocketses. that was a fucking blast, man. And then me and Bobbi gagging ourselves with nitrous oxide.... That may have been the most enlightening thing. I had never actually been that desperate to alter my reality. and it was fun...until we ran out. we suck. Fun day though, damn fun.




whats that?

03:56 Jun 02 2005
Times Read: 526

numbening you say? is that a word? just a thought. i dont know. theres something wrong with me. I ve gone not quite right in the head. im sure it will pass. whats that? a promise you say? I say, you are a liar!! youll go to hell for lying just as fast as you will for murder, boy.mmmmhhhhhmmmmmm... I says ACID BATH!!! them muthafuckers kick ass. yeah. stay in school. get a job. or just go sling. it all pays the bills. this party sucks. ive got no monkey. me needa da monkey. So, thats good, youve found your limit. blep. this shit dont make no sense. im sorry to all you poor folk that already read this far. i think i should stop, but im just keeping at it...i guess to see if anyone reads it...everything was banana green just a second ago...and a minute from then. and what? go ahead. do it. quityerbitchin. :*bitchslaps all conformists* detatch yourself from the corporate mega mecca!!!! dude im gonna go to jail. its gonna suck. jail sucks. there is no fun to be found. nope. nope nope. i would much rather be sitting on some godforsaken bench in crackville. then at least i could knock some mutherfucker down. and not get gangraped for it. dead girl rocks. why oh why do i get myself involved in this stupid shit? I dont want to do that!!! yet i do it. and feel like a real fuckin putz. and just when i was hoping i wouldnt have to kick you in the nuts. oh well. i dont mind at all. *twitch* vinnies a pimp now!!! he finaly got off the fuckin crystal!! that boy had a serious problem. hes a bit better, just a little throwd off. slight permifry there. He cut his thumb off at work one time at waffle house. I thought it was funny. then i felt bad cause he looked like a sad tweeked out puppy....that boy was trouble. in fact, so was medrick. so was krell...so were 90% of my relationships...*ANGRY*... give me a good boy and i will give you back an alcoholic or worse. I have such a negative affect on people. like choir boy in high school. I took him, for a short time, and turned him into a real freak. and i didnt mean to. that boy was the stupidest looking outcast ive ever seen. he looked BETTER as a choir boy....what the hell was i thinking? oh thats right...NOTHING!!!! Im gonna stop typing before i get myself in trouble. g'night yall





23:49 Jun 01 2005
Times Read: 528

so i got it. maybe the reason i havent found my answers is that i havent found the right substance to get me in the mindset..so, watcha think? try them all and see which ones the best?

I like that plan. i like that plan a lot. i think ill start in it now, in fact....



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